Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Free Spirit

A leaf floating in the river, drifting along careless and free. In 2010 many still enjoy hiking and enjoy the nature and beauty around them.

Work Day

In this fast paced world, it seem as though all we do in 2010 is work, work, work and never stop. With all the technologies and deadlines, life in 2010 is always busy.

Drink Coke

In 2010, we would never see Coke for 5 cents. Its hard to believe that you could get a refreshing drink so cheap back in the day.


Picking pumpkins, craving pumpkins, or baking pumpkin seeds, Americans in 2010 still celebrate fall with these traditions.

Johnny Dear

Living in the mid-west, John Deer is not an unusual sight, especially in Minnesota, where cornfields are abundant.

Train Wreck

Trains were once an wonder, chugging across the country. In 2010 they are now a canvas for art.